Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some things are better off Left unsaid....

Well it's been awhile since I've blogged , So i figured that I'd start off by saying my phone is a piece of crap haha.

Yesterday i went to the Yankee's game and it was against tampa was a pretty tight game But the Yanks came through and won.
Bad part apart me going to the game was I got sunburned (so no more day games for me) and I only got 3 hours of sleep .
And afterwards i went to the city to do some flyer dropoffs and headed straight home ,I was gonna meet sean at Hv tonight but as soon as i hit my pillow i was out cold until 12:30 so that wasnt happening haha

But i will be attending lit Thursday night....Maybe angelica will be doing more crazy shit haha

So anyway Tuesday night was great ...some people flaked out what else is new
but i still had a great time with angelica and Laurie.

also Im working on my bday plans its been a crazy week for me i finally get to catch up today

Remember AUGUST 2nd haha